Non-introduction of 

The pseudonym hides a self-taught amateur photographer.
Let one thing be clear: sometimes an « amateur » could almost become « Pro ».
- By « almost », I want to express the fact that there is always something new to learn in photography
- By « almost », I want you to understand that I try to remain humble, many photographers speak about themselves, very seriously, at the 3rd person on their website
- By « almost », I am aware that perfection does not exist, neither for me nor for you --- but we can try to get closer to it!
- « Autodidact » because I came to photography through drawing and computing. By dint of trial and error we end up succeeding, or at least being much better than at the beginning
an appropriate pseudonym for photography
The base of photography is working with light.
Light is made up of small particles --- but they are also waves for some physicists --- no one knows exactly what they are , in fact.
Light is therefore composed of photons, which are at the same time particles and waves --- material and immaterial.
Credo quia absurdum
– Apocryphal quote often attributed to Tertullian.
Or: "I believe [it] because it’s absurd". What is supposed to be admitted is not within the reach of human reason, and under these conditions faith constitutes the only possible recourse.
Faith... not in the religious sense, not in my case. Rather faith in what I do, because I am self-taught on a lot of subjects, including photography.
It takes a hell of a lot of imagination to imagine these absurd particles that make up light, these absurd photons, the very ones that allow me to take pictures and that I have to learn to tame at best.
Aristotle’s physics is based on the search for the properties of bodies isolated. With Descartes, physics became the search for relations between the bodies supposed to fill a unique space, condition of their interactions. With their absurd photon, the scientists returned to the individuated vision. It was a childish return to fantasies of Aristotle. They had attributed to this purely imaginary corpuscle absolute virtues like its speed.
– Contra Gemellus: a critical view of Thomism - Jean de Climont (formerly Gaspard de Uffhofen)
is ’’almost’’ an aesthete
Aesthete the one who professes the cult of beauty, who loves beauty.
And it’s exactly my case in photography --- without reaching the pejorative sense of the term, however, because in this case I would lose the sense of reality --- after all photography is « only » a hobby for me, but it is essential because it allows me to express my artistic sense.
I am indeed looking for beauty through my photos, especially during meetings with the models. So I fill my eyes and my camera with light and curves, colors and shapes, and that brings me a certain accomplishment.
And when I develop the photos, I rediscover the « recorded » version, and that adds to the memories that I have in my mind. This pose reminds me of such a moment... Even after several years some photos still have this effect on me.
Other interests than Photography
There are plenty of them:
- you must have understood by now, science is my thing: what makes up the matter, how the universe works, which leads to looking at the stars and sometimes photograph them
- high-level computing, a passion that came very early, which has been very useful in my professional life. It is also interesting when you want to set up your own website!
- women and their beauty, of course, this site wouldn’t exist without this passion - not to be confused with « womanizing »!!!
- drawing, in which I have a very « cartoony » style, because I am unable to draw correctly a human being. This inability and my knowledge of computers combined to make me a desire to do photography. I knew little about the « silver » period and I only really came to photography when the « digital » became much better than its predecessor
- Art in general: literature, painting, especially. This, added to the rest, permits to build my own photographic vision and my perception of beauty. If you listen too much to self-absorbed « artists », they’ll give you a whole bunch of other (bad) reasons...
- Finally, there are many other areas of interest, but they wouldn’t fit in this site... and I’m very picky about privacy when it comes to the internet!
A touch of mystery
Speaking of privacy... Weeeellll no, my face is not the one in the photo in this article!
It is actually Robert Cornelius, a pioneer American inventor in photography. The photo you see is the first intentional portrait of a human via a photographic process, taken in 1839. The first « selfie » too, by the way.
As for me, I like to keep a mystery as to my true identity and appearance. Only one photo of me exists on the internet, and I myself put it there. Of course I won’t tell you where...
Pose for me, so you can find out who you’re really dealing with!
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Billy Sunday