Three new series in the Artistic Nudes photo gallery:
- Circé lounging by the River - this gallery contains my second favorite photo of this model
- Concentric projections on a new model: Emazzione
- a series of projections on Radmila called A Clockwork Orange because the result is a bit strange
Three surprises for you in the Artistic Nudes photo gallery:
- Circé in front of her Folding Screen - this gallery contains my favorite photo of this model
- the Pedestal of Cara Mell, to show her my admiration
- a series of projection of light on body which breaks down the sublime Radmila into Colored Lines
The last gallery of the series « The Rorschach effect » is finally published, I didn’t before in the last version of the site, because in the spirit in which I created it, it’s a little more daring than the others, even if it remains very stylized, and downright etheric. Your imagination is the key!
In the Artistic Nudes photo galleries, you will find two new ones:
- Circé goes outside to reach the courtyard
- the Dazzling Beauty of Cara Mell
I finally achieved the photoshoot I had been dreaming of for a long time. With the professional model Radmila, we painted light on her body.
This is only the first disclosure of a whole series that will delight your eyes in the coming weeks...
New look for the site, almost entirely re-written from scratch. This is the version 3.0.
A new philisophy of navigation (Hamburger menu on the top-left), a lot of simplification, even the photo galleries have changed.
Good visit. If you find an error or want to suggest something, contact me !
A quick addition to the galleries: Portraits, Glamour, Paintings, and Artistic nudes, in color and in black & white.
You can also see some of them scrolling in the « random pictures » on the Home page.
I got me a 3D lens for my camera, with which I started experimenting real 3D photography.
To process my 3D pictures, I started developing some software, that will help me produce depthmaps, as explained here.
The aim: to easily produce 3D pictures views for the site, videos giving the impression of 3D viewing, and even lenticular printing, which allows to see 3D in real life without 3D googles...
Where I manually spent 4 or 5 hours to produce one single precise depthmap, it is just a matter of minutes to get a semi-automatically computed equivalent --- which I will have to retouch a little, though, nothing is perfect.
- The first software is used to compute the camera lens parameters, to rectify the pairs of 3D pictures later before producing the depthmap
- The second is used to semi-automatically produce the depthmaps
- You can find the two software pieces on Github. They use complicated scientific calculus.
A few weeks ago, I organized an Artistic nude photo seance in 3D! It will be published soon, when I have post-produced the 3D pictures with a little help from my tools.
I was not lying with my last promise : after the true fake 3D photo galleries like glamour or virtual paintings that were enhanced with 3D, now is the time to reveal my last works : the artistic nudes gallery in true fake 3D!
As always, feel free to comment my galleries at the bottom of each page.
So this is Christmas, what better way to celebrate than offering you something that I’ve been secretly preparing for a long time ?
The new article shows you how to transform simple photos in 3D images. Wait, I’ve done this before! Err, yes, but this time it’s a BIG improvement.
Why « true fake 3D »? Because the original photos become 3D images by the magic (in fact, science) of something called a depthmap.
This gift is not coming as is : now you can find new photo galleries using the depthmap 3D technique :
- Glamour photos in 3D
- Virtual paintings in 3D
The next gallery to have a new 3D update will be... the artistic nudes! Come back later...
I’m lacking the time to translate every article I’m writing in the French (and main) version... but I’d really like to give more attention to the international part!
If you are bilingual (English/French, yes, in this order preferably) and would like to contribute to my site, drop me a line...
In this new gallery, a series of photomontages on the theme of the inkblot test of Rorschach, the famous swiss psychiatrist.
Let yourself be bewitched by these strange pictures - why not begin with aliens?
These photomontages have all been made using the same home-made technique, exclusively from artistic nudes photos I shot...
A special new artistic nude gallery for you, in which I used the shadow puppet technics.
There are also new photos in the other galleries, check them out!
You can see a preview of my works by visiting the photo galleries.
I set up the database and uploaded the files the same day...

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